Terms and Names of Seasonings in Cooking You Need to Know

Terms and Names of Seasonings in Cooking You Need to Know

Names of Seasonings
Terms and Names of Seasonings in Cooking
IS - Before we discuss further about food and Indonesian Cuisine or Overseas Cuisine, it's a good idea to know the terms or names of spices in cooking.

Maybe there are some of us who don't know, even though in today's modern era we can easily search for it on Google or Google Translate. But if you already know it, then even better. Simultaneously launch English. 😄😄😄

Below are some terms and names of spices in Indonesian, then translated into English or in any language in the world that you need to remember or just know. Use Translate on my blog, Indo Style. 

Adas = Fennel
Adas manis = Aniseed
Asam jawa = Tamarind

Bengkuang = Jicama
Bawang bombay = Onion
Bawang daun = Green onion
Bawang daun = Scallion
Bawang daun = Spring onion
Bawang merah = Shallot
Bawang putih = Garlic
Beras ketan = Glutinuous rice
Bihun = Rice vermicelli
Buah lawang (pekak) = Star anise
Buah pala = Nutmeg
Bunga pala = Mace

Cabe = Chilli pepper
Cabe rawit = Cayenne
Cengkeh = Clove
Cuka = Vinegar

Daun pandan = Screwpine leaf

Ebi =Dried prawn (shrimp)

Garam = Salt
Gula merah/jawa = Palm sugar

Jahe = Ginger
Jeruk nipis/limau = Lime

Jintan = Cummin

Kacang ijo = Mung bean
Kacang mete = Cashew
Kacang panjang = Long bean
Kacang tanah = Peanut
Kapulaga = Cardamom
Kapur sirih = Lime paste
Kayumanis = Cinnamon
Kecap asin = Soya sauce
Kecap ikan = Fish sauce
Kecap manis = Sweet soya sauce
Kedele = Soya bean
Kelapa = Coconut
Kemangi = Basil
Kemiri = Candle nut
Ketumbar = Coriander
Kucai = Chive
Kunyit = Turmeric

Lengkuas = Galangal

Merica = Pepper
Minyak wijen = Sesame oil

Oncom = Fermanted cake made from soybean sediment.

Paria = Bitter melon
Petis = Black shrimp paste

Ragi = Yeast
Rebung = Bamboo shoot

Santan = Coconut milk
Saus tir am = Oyster sauce
Sedap malam = Dried lily flower
Seledri = Celery
Serai = Lemon grass
Soun = Mung bean thread

Tahu = Tofu
Tauco = Preserved soy beans
Tauge = Bean sprout
Telur puyuh = Quail’s egg
Tepung beras = Rice flour
Tepung hunkwee = Mung bean flour
Tepung jagung = Cornmeal
Tepung kanji = Tapioca
Tepung ketan = Sweet rice flour
Tepung maizena = Cornstarch (in Commonwealth countries except Canada it is called Cornflour)
Tepung terigu = Wheat flour
Terasi = Shrimp paste

Ubi jalar/rambat = Sweet potato

Wijen = Sesame seed

If you have other terms, please share with me. Or if I'm wrong in writing, you can also give me input.
That's all about the Terms and Names of Seasonings in Cooking You Need to Know, I hope it's useful and good luck.

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